Planned Gifts

Society grows great when people plant trees who’s shade they know they will never sit in.– Greek Proverb

Planned gifts encompass several different areas of charitable giving and can be funded with cash, equity, property and more.

This type of giving is an excellent way to invest in the sustainable future of our Farm. Please see the below information on the different types of planned gifts Thorncroft is able to facilitate.

For additional information please contact: Tiffany Meyer, Executive Director,

Please consult with your financial advisor, lawyers and/or family to determine if a planned gift aligns your philanthropic and financial goals.

  • Bequests

    Most popular form of planned giving. Allows Thorncroft to receive a percentage, dollar amount or the remainder of a donor’s estate. Bequests enable donors to reduce estate taxes while supporting the farm.

  • Gifts of Retirement Assets

    Because retirement assets are considered to be “income in respect of a decedent” a great way to preserve your funds for your heirs while supporting the farm as gifts to a charity is generally not taxed. Many consider leaving their normally higher-taxed assets to a charity while passing on the lower-taxed assets to their descendants.

  • Charitable IRA Rollover

    A Charitable IRA Rollover allows donors 70½ years and older to direct up to $100,000 from their traditional IRA to a charitable fund. The Charitable IRA Rollover counts towards the Required Minimum Distribution, the amount a person over 72 years of age must withdraw from an IRA each year.

  • Charitable Gift Annuities

    A charitable gift annuity allows a donor to contribute assets to Thorncroft while receiving and income tax charitable deduction and receive a guaranteed income for life

  • Life Insurance

    Donors may gift a life insurance policy that is no longer needed, or name Thorncroft as a beneficiary of an existing policy. This type of gift may provide income and estate tax savings for the donor.

  • Charitable Lead Trust

    CLT’s allow the donor to provide income to Thorncroft for a specified number of years then the remainder is returned to the donor or their beneficiaries.

  • Charitable Remainder Trust

    The donor irrevocably provides cash or equities to trust, and when this trust is no longer needed by the donor, the remainder of the trust is transferred to Thorncroft.

Thorncroft Legacy Society

The Thorncroft Legacy Society recognizes the members of our community who have shared with us their plans to include Thorncroft Equestrian Center in their will or deferred giving plan. Please let us know if you qualify to join this special group of people who have all invested in our farm’s future by contacting our development office, or 610-644-1963

Members of the Thorncroft Legacy Society will be recognized for their investment in future Thorncroft publications (newsletters, event programs, etc).

By making charitable plans public, you inspire others to become involved and invest in the future of Thorncroft Equestrian Center. We thank those of you who have made Thorncroft a part of your philanthropic legacy.

“Therapeutic Horseback Riding, Inc. (Thorncroft Equestrian Center) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Federal EIN 23-2218431. All gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.”