Adaptive/Therapeutic Horsemanship

Thorncroft has been a leader in the adaptive/therapeutic horsemanship community for over 55 years.

The Farm has paved the way for many centers across the country to be able to share this tradition of Horses Healing Humans. This versatile recreation, taught in an environment of respect and inclusion, accommodates a wide range of abilities and specialized needs.

Our commitment is to offer an improved quality of life, in mind and body, for all that walk through our doors. Our teachings are the guide and the movement and soul of the horse are the vessel.

The Benefits

Physiological Benefits

  • Builds core strength and coordination
  • Improves postural control
  • Builds upper and lower extremity strength
  • Stretches muscles and reduces spasticity
  • Improves fine motor skills while holding the reins or handle or playing games on horseback while exploring sensory elements on our Zepka Discovery Trail
  • Improves gross motor skills while mounting the horse, using the stirrups, playing games while on the horse
  • Rider develops proprioception, which is an individual’s awareness of their body position

Cognitive Benefits

  • Improves sequencing through the development of coordinated directives
  • Challenges listening skills of riders of all ages
  • Encourages decision making through motor planning

Psychological Benefits

  • Increases independence
  • Encourages patience and trust
  • Gives riders with mobility devices a sense of freedom
  • Provides a sense of responsibility
  • Increases self-esteem and quality of life

Social Benefits

  • Social participation and inclusion
  • Participants learn to develop healthy friendships
  • Encourages a love and respect for animals and personal bonds
  • Teaches empathy

Support the Farm!

Since 1969 Thorncroft has provided a safe haven for children and adults with and without special needs. The Farm now includes 70 acres of open space, a conference center, office space and two beautiful indoor arenas… but the work does not stop there.

Learn more about the many ways you can support Thorncroft.